Our Vision

  • our vision 2

    • What is the end goal?

      Our goal is to make Arval more digital than ever. Since our team is focused on public websites, we want to provide latest, user friendly and cool websites!

      Constantly trying to improve the current version of your websites, we also want to provide a totally new solution which will be even more easy to use on your webmaster side and even more clearer for the user. Hence, this website, El professor, is the beginning of this project.

      Hope the outcomes will be wonderful!

    • What needs to be changed?

      As we said, our vision is to make Arval a Digital reference. For that we have to work hard to change our presence on the web.

      The first change will be a technical one, we will change the structure of our website which will be easier to use i.e easy navigation etc. Additionally, we will change the user journey and the user story of our new websites.

      In one word, the new websites will be "User centric"!

      On the other hand, the changes are to be made based on the behavior and perception of our stockholders. We communicate this to make the Digital a reflex action for everyone.

      And this website will be your new digital reflex for any questions concerning your website. Therefore, start to change now !

    • Are you in this vision?

      You are the actor of this vision, the heart of the strategy.