Arval Mobility Observatory


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Zurich city

Our World Mobility Tour: Zurich, the city with a high quality of life

The next stop in our World Mobility Tour is to the city of Zurich, a city often acknowledged as having a very high quality of life for its inhabitants.
Our discussion with Anna Schindler, the Director of the Office for Urban Development of the City of Zurich, enables us to discover all the aspects and the strategy of this city regarding the mobility topic.

Thu 20/01/22
Mobility in the Suburbs

Mobility in the Suburbs : Trends and Challenges in Europe

Today, 75% of European population is urban and should grow by 11% until 2050. 66% of the metropolitan population lives in the suburbs of Europe’s 99 major metropolitan areas. What are the trends and challenges in Europe of the Mobility in suburban areas?

That is the question we asked to Anne Aguiléra, Deputy Head of the Department of Planning, Mobility and Environment at the University Gustave Eiffel in France, and senior researcher at the City, Mobility and Transport Laboratory (LVMT).

Thu 23/12/21

Hydrogen 2021

Three times denser than traditional fuels, Hydrogen presents its self as an interesting option for fuelling larger commercial vehicles such as trucks, busses, boats and planes.

Whilst CO2 intensive processes produce 95% of the current supply of hydrogen, the European Commission is committed to support the development of greener hydrogen as a source of energy to reach climate neutrality by 2050.

Hydrogen and more specifically sustainable hydrogen is very likely destined to become a key element in powering our future while limiting our carbon emissions.

Wed 15/12/21

COP26: Conference of the Parties, Glasgow 2021

With the last major COP taking place in Paris in 2015, the annual UN Climate Change Conference took place in Glasgow. The summit was attended by those countries that signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – a treaty that came into force in 1994. For many COP26 was the first major test of the 2015 Paris Agreement.
Why was COP26 an important test of the Paris Agreement? Discover more in this article.

Tue 07/12/21
Electrification strat

Vehicle manufacturers' electrification strategy

​​​​​​​Last July, the European Union proposed a zero-emissions target for new cars by 2035, an effective ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2035. The European Commission also proposed a 55% cut in CO2 emissions from cars by 2030 versus 2021 levels and a 100% cut in CO2 emissions by 2035. In parallel, several countries have already announced accelerated timelines for the sale of Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) to be banned in 2030 or 2035. The continued acceleration of electrification is putting a significant pressure on OEMs to meet these targets and is spurring the development of electrification strategy for the coming years.

But what kind of decisions and investments have they already decided?

Mon 04/10/21

Our World Mobility Tour: Oslo, The Electric Vehicle Capital of the world

The next stop in our World Mobility Tour is Oslo, often referred to as the EV capital of the world.

Our discussion with Sture Portvik, the Manager for Electro mobility of the City of Oslo, enables us to discover the strategy of this city regarding all aspects of mobility.

Mon 20/09/21
Connected and convenient

Connected and convenient: paying for charging and more

Paying directly with a car for products and services such as electricity used to charge an EV, parking spots, vignette, congestion charges and so on is being jointly tried by carmakers and payment providers to deliver a seamless process to customers. The video explores this world of new onboard payment options and brings clarity about what connected drivers of tomorrow can expect.

Mon 06/09/21
Road to zero emissions

Road to zero emissions

Most of the world's governments, and many companies, have agreed to reduce their carbon footprint by 2050, to address the pressures of global warming and climate change.
The implementation of smart mobility solutions is essential to reach carbon neutrality or the even more ambitious 'negative carbon commitment’ target.
In this video, we review some concrete options available to companies to comply with new environmental regulations and be part of those building a more liveable world.

Wed 23/06/21

Interview with Michael Cole, President and CEO of Hyundai Motor Europe

In the middle of an unprecedented revolution in the automotive industry, Michael Cole, President and CEO of Hyundai Motor Europe, explains to the Arval Mobility Observatory the strategic pillars upon which the company will evolve in the coming years.

Tue 08/06/21