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The Human Machine Interface

The Human Machine Interface

The idea of the Human Machine Interface (HMI) is as old as the Industrial Revolution. It describes how humans interact with machines, either through switches, voice commands or any other interactive means. The automobile has seen many iterations of HMI throughout the years. Today, AI assistants and near-holographic displays cohabitate with the traditional pedals, steering wheel and gear-lever that have been present since the first car.

Discover more in our article

Thu 05/11/20
science of cities

Towards a new science of cities

Data is a key component of Smart Cities; indeed data help cities to improve air quality, safety, security, sustainability and mobility amongst others.

Does the increasing diversity and volume of data available about urban systems open the possibility of  constructing a quantitative 'science of cities', with the aim of identifying and modelling essential phenomena?

That is the question we asked to Marc Barthelemy Research Director at the Institut de Physique Théorique (CEA-Saclay) and Associate member of the Centre d’Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales (EHESS, Paris), about the Science of Cities.

Fri 30/10/20
Hydrogen Fuel:an energy storage alternative?

Hydrogen Fuel: An Energy Storage Alternative?

Hydrogen is one of the Universe's most abundant elements. It is also potentially a way to store clean, renewable energy.
Although Hydrogen Fuel Cell technology has existed since 1839, hydrogen still has not achieved widespread popularity.
That may change.

Tue 13/10/20
Cycling Boost

The cycling boost: a post lockdown trend or a permanent one?

During the crisis, visible positive environmental changes have been highlighted: decrease of greenhouse gas emissions, reduced congestion, and reduction of noise pollution among others.

However, this important crisis has also had an impact on city dwellers’ behaviors and expectations: people clearly expressed their wish for healthier lifestyles, one of them being an interest in active mobility and in particular cycling.
Public actors express this important interest in a more sustainable and greener future too, at different levels: European Commission, Governments and Municipalities.

Governments in the EU and in the UK combine economic stimuli with green policies. Beyond these economic stimuli, it is also a question of infrastructures to ensure dwellers safety.

Discover more in this article.

Wed 16/09/20
Autonomous Shuttles

Autonomous shuttles: self-driving, available now

The consensus is out: Self-driving cars are going to change the world in incredible ways.
Everyone is sure it is going to happen, but few can say 'when'. First, what is an autonomous vehicle?
What are the hurdles faced by the autonomous future?
And what about autonomous shuttles?

Discover more in this video

Tue 15/09/20
Charging your EV for your journey


EVs represent probably one of the single biggest technological changes in the car and leasing industry. Many questions are being asked by Arval’s fleet customers about the practicalities of operating these new vehicles. In order to help you, our expert from Arval Consulting answers three of the most common queries.

Fri 11/09/20
The 15 minute city

The 15 minute – city

Today, 58% of the world’s population live in urban areas, a proportion that is forecast to increase to 70 % by 2050. This situation generates a lot of challenges such as air quality concerns, congestion, hours lost in traffic (around 163 hours per driver in Paris in 2019), time that could be  spent doing other activities…. All these concerns are increasingly emphasized after the lockdown period. 
More sustainability, a greener environment in the cities are the strong targets that all urban ecosystem strive for. Public and private actors work together in this direction. In our recent video, we have explained that Mobility as a Service could be one of the solutions.
However, would it be a question of thinking the city not in term of city planning but in term of urban life planning?  That is what the concept of the “15 minute- city” is developing. 

What does it mean?

Mon 07/09/20
csr people


We are one of the international specialists in vehicle leasing and new mobility solutions, and a carbon-neutral business, constantly reaffirming our commitment to CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) through concrete actions taken at the heart of our business. It is therefore completely natural that, in the context of the Covid-19 health crisis, we have launched numerous initiatives to protect our employees, clients and drivers, but also to participate in collective efforts to support people on the front line in the battle against the virus.

Mon 27/07/20
Last mile logistics

The last mile logistics

“The last mile” is a term usually used to describe the final link in the supply chain – when an order makes its way from the distribution centre or a retail location to the end consumer.
Worldwide, city governments are battling against air quality concerns and traffic congestion by creating low emission zones, and implementing vehicle entry and parking restrictions.
Recent global trends, like low transport emissions and the e-commerce boom, have brought last mile logistics to the brink of disruption.

So what is this disruptive change that the last mile is facing?

Fri 10/07/20